Wohnen in Reichweite von Bodensee und Pfänder in einem kleinen gemütlichen Doppelzimmer mit direktem Zugang zum idyllischen Garten am Hause Unger-Taube. Möchten Sie im Bregenzer Umland wandern, den Pfänder besteigen oder auf dem Bodensee Sport treiben? In diesem Doppelzimmer finden Sie nachher Ruhe und die Atmosphäre, die Beine hochzulegen und einen aktiven Tag ausklingen zu lassen.
Living close to Lake Constance and the Pfänder mountain in a small cosy double bedroom with direct access to the idylic garden of the Unger - Taube family. Would you like to hike in the surroundings of Bregenz, walk to the summit of the Pfänder mountain or do sports on Lake Constance? This double bedroom gives you comfort and the atmosphere to put your feet up and relax after an active day.
Are you more interested in culture, wellness and relaxation? The villages along the lake offer superb features, too. Return to your bedroom and enjoy a quiet time on the little terrace before a restful night.
The room is equipped with pad coffee maker, kettle, small refrigerator, microwave and toaster. The room is available with or without breakfast, which is prepared the evening before.